Monday, June 16, 2008

What is Learning Environment

I think that the learning environment is the environment that the learner is in interaction with, consciously or subsconsciously and occurs to the learner intrisincly or extrinsicly.

Internal to the Learner
  • Conscious (Motivation)
  • Subsconcious (Preferred Learning Styles)

External to the Learner

  • Conscious (Classroom environment & facilities)
  • Subconscious (Ambience, comfort)

1 comment:

Faiz said...

When one considers organisation's intent to induce the appropriate learning behaviour of individuals, we should also consider the necessary HR constructs that are required to support this behaviour. Unfortunately more often than not, most organisations fail to incorporate a holistic organisation level change of mind sets in order to induce the 'desired behaviour', thus leading to the failure to achieve change.